Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tuesday Evening Quiz 04/10/07

This is an ARMPIT survey: (Arboretum Multiphase Personality Inventory Test)

1. You discover that your 13 year old daughter is dating someone. Would you be more alarmed if it was:

a. Don Imus
b. A nappy headed 'ho.'
c. Other

2.You find yourself bobbing in a salty sea, sharks nearby. Would you rather be rescued by:

a. A Greek sailor
b. A British sailor
c. Other

3. You wake and discover you've just been screwed. Would you be more disturbed to find your assailant was:

a. Howard K. Stern
b. Sanjaya
c. Other

4. A guy bursts into your living room swinging a bloody sword. Would you be more frightened if it were:

a. A guy named Muqtada
b. A guy named Dave
c. Other

5. You are sobbing and almost disconsolate. By whom would you least like to be comforted?
a. Pacman Jones
b. Newt Gingrich
c. Other

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