Friday, February 02, 2007


Pat Robertson will be talking to God today and will no doubt tell us why God just slapped Florida with a rash of tornados. One of these actually wiped out The Church of God in Lady Lake.

I know that Robertson is not the only one who speaks to God. I know many of our readers do, also. So let us know.

What is God telling you? WHY DID HE WHACK FLORIDA?


use "comments," or send us an e-mail.


Anonymous said...

Gods didn't do it, no matter what Robertson says. Let him say whatever he wants.

Anonymous said...

God is bored until NASCAR starts later this month.
He knocked this church down as a diversion since he is unable to help any drivers win right now.
He should begin working on the Daytona race very soon.

Anonymous said...

He was mad about the super bowl choices