Monday, March 19, 2007


FIFE SYMINGTON former Republican Governor of Arizona is nuts! Or drunk!

10 years ago (1997), people in Phoenix were jumping all over each other reporting lights and objects in the sky. Symington ridiculed the idea, publicly.

Now, Symington, who until today has been fairly highly regarded among intelligent people, has switched sides and embraces berzerkery. He says he did indeed see an object over his city that night and it was as big as a football field.

. .....
Let us make this clear once again.
This is the ARBORETUM's official position on flying saucers:

1. No reputable person in the entire history of this earth has ever seen a flying saucer.
2. There aren't any because the government says so.
3. Anyone who sees one is either drunk, drug-hazed, crazy, or lying.
4. When people actually do see things up there, they are either airplanes, weather balloons, heat lightning, reflections off Dick Cheney's head, stars, comets, or angels. "Weird" weather, according to the FAA also makes people think they see something.

We are now considering it possible that in Arizona, football fields fly at night.

1 comment:

scot s w said...

I've never seen a UFO, but I do believe that a great number of people (and many of them reliable witnesses) have seen aircraft which they can't explain -- from the "Foo Fighters" which followed WWII aircraft to more recent sightings by miliatry pilots, there's a lot legitimate testimony on these things.

The government's position, more or less officially, is that it's all silly. Well, it's not silly, but I could not tell you what the government's official position really implies.