Friday, October 27, 2006

Gettin' A-lected to Lead the Dummies

Looking at the campaign commercials in this pre-election period, a reasonable person might reach these conclusions:
1. Most of the candidates generated by the American political system are morally unfit to lead anyone, especially the ones who appeal to "God."
2. The American people are now so dumb that they are about to get an even worse government than they've had so far. And, of course, they "deserve better."
3. The country is so incredibly affluent that it can afford to spend billions on this mind-mud.
4. We are not at war, we don't have any debt, we don't have an immigration problem, the educational system is trouble-free, there is no poverty or disease, there is no medical care crisis, there is not a crime problem, there is not a petroleum crisis, this country has escaped the global warming trend.
5. American democracy is very close to its end.

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