Friday, October 27, 2006

MORE ON THE KAHN-Job (i.e.prt.2)


One of the slogans Roger Kahn is using during his campaign for the state senate reads "It’s not about politics, it’s about people."

Yet, this same Roger Kahn’s campaign committee "Friends of Roger Kahn" and the Michigan Republican Party are running outrageous political ads besmirching the good name of his opponent, Carl Williams, by accusing Representative Williams of protecting pedophiles. This example of gutter politics indicates the apparent desperation of the Kahn campaign.

Even if Kahn were to win the senate seat in the November 7 election the moral bankruptcy of his campaign will eliminate any legitimacy he may have to bill himself as the voice of the people.

Shame on Roger Kahn and all those involved in producing these despicable ads.

(Bob Hanley)

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