Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 and public health

A quick thought:

I read this morning that some politicians are concerned about the health of "Ground Zero" workers who labored on the pile at the WTC site after the terrorist attacks. Politicians and family members are enraged that more was not done to safeguard their health at the time, and that the medical issues resulting from inhaling all that smoke and dust are being ignored. Some of the stories are heartbreaking.

Link to story

You read similar things about troops returning from Iraq with injuries which are not fully and correctly treated. The military seems to treat the flesh wound, but after patching up cuts and broken bones, leaves former soldiers to fend for themselves in too many cases.

All of this brings up the question, wouldn't a national health care system be more fair to all these brave people? Their long-term care would not be a worry. And the cost of caring for them would HAVE to enter into the calculations of policy-makers. And that would be a GOOD thing.

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