Friday, September 22, 2006

A Little Angry About the Whole Thing

For some Americans, analysts speculate, gas prices provide a shorthand reading of the general state of the economy. Even though prices at the pump are largely outside the president's control, he gets credit when they fall — and blame when they rise.-USA Today Article

I have serious problems with these two sentences for a variety of reasons... Not necessarily because they were written, but rather, because they could be true. The idea that most Americans look to prices at the pump to indicate how well the economy is doing, both appalls and frightens me. It's an easy way for people to feel like they know what the hell's going on, but really can't be bothered to think about anything other than how much is coming out of their wallet and going into their Expedition three times a week. People can only seem to talk about two things of late, the weather (including Global Warming), and gas prices. Both of which are in trouble-- and both for almost the same reasons.
The second sentence about Bush's approval ratings mirroring the prices of gasoline makes me want to slap the closest stupid person next to me. Bush may not have a little button that he pushes to make gas prices go up or down, but his bed fellows, ie. the oil companies, sure do... Don't tell me the reason behind the recent falling of oil prices now has nothing to do with the upcoming election...I might have to slap you too.


Bud said...

You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Worse still is the idea that "as long as we don't have to pay high prices for gas, you can do whatever you want, Mr. President. You're doin' a great job". I also like the way the oil companies have made us think that $2.25 is a great price for gas by charging us $3.00 for so long. Never seems to be rhyme nor reason to the ups or downs in price. Oh,'s the president.

Anonymous said...

If you don't think the Pres and his guys are in charge of this oil thing then what? It's just bouncing up and down (prices) for no reason. That's scarry isn't it