Tuesday, September 19, 2006

harmful words, useless noise

About this quarrel which has begun between the religions. Arboretum dwellers do not like religious conflict and will take no sides. Ents and oaks believe in religious freedom. Also, freedom of speech. Beeches tend to be Buddhists, ashes are animists.

However, it hath been rumored in the olive grove that the Pope has called someone a "towelhead." Then we heard that someone called the Pope a "roll of papertowelhead - on a stick." Fie! Such awful words! Only trouble can ensue.

Arboretum can only say this: Be sure those are not Bounty towels, because they have no recycled content.

Then, maybe the Pope said, "Ich nicht liebe die facefeathern," which has been translated as "I don't like beards!" Then, an Imam said maybe he didn't like rings on Papal fingers or bells on Papal toes. The trouble persists.

The Secretary of Woodland Security advises all parties to stop talking. In the forest, if it is silent, no trees fall.

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