Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Mukasey and Waterboarding

So he's going to be Atty. General. Just great.

Hey, let's set aside questions about the Geneva Conventions for the moment... Regardless of whether you think waterboarding is technically torture, it's certainly assault, no?

The same is true for numerous other "interrogation methods" the Administration believes are appropriate for the unlawyered, untried, unconvicted detainees it is holding.

When did government officials (such as interrogators) get exemption from basic criminal law?


Bud said...

Here's a good practical standard for thinking about it:

What interrogation techniques could you accept as reasonable if used on your daughter?

Anonymous said...

I've requested a book about how to ask questions from the library at work. It's by an ex-military guy in the US who shares his secrets of asking questions - secret knowledge he's gained over his "16 years of experience in questionning enemy combatants". I was so intrigued that I just HAD to request the book. Might come in handy when I'm dealing with importers who undervalue their goods or incorrectly claim a tariff concession!

scot s w said...

I was thinking, any methods Mukasey thinks are legal ought to be applied to him during his confirmation hearings.