Friday, April 18, 2008

He's ready

If you watched/read about/heard about the ABC "debate" that took place this week, you probably share my disdain for where we've come. America's political discourse has never been the angelic model of civic-mindedness many people seem to "remember" but I don't ever recall it getting quite this inane before at the presidential level. I do have to admit, the Goring of Gore came close, but the ABC charade was a new low, because it dwelled so happily and delightedly in the muck of this campaign, with a blissful ignorance of all the huge issues pressing in on our world.

And while Barack Obama came off as a bit beleagured during that debate, he did not crack, and did not sink to... oh, let's call it bitterness. He didn't dive in. And the next day, I think he adeptly turned that debate into an object lesson of why he's running. I think he's ready for this job.


Anonymous said...

I blame the 24 hour news cycle and a campaign that lasts in excess of 18 months. Both are ridiculous in my mind.

The campaign last so long and the news outlets have to come up with something to attract an audience for ratings that after awhile an inordinate amount of time is spent on gossip and gotcha. All make for entertainment of a sort I guess. But after filling up so much time on these issues we and the media in general lose sight about what this is all about.


Crawford Tillinghast said...

I thought it was all about making a buck.

Bud said...

I think American schools of business management and American schools of journalism are about equal in the low quality of their product: people who are about 'making a buck' and basking in the warmth of their own sense of self-importance.