Thursday, August 24, 2006

More About That Headline Below

I invited this conversation because it seems to me that no one has misunderstood the threat to this country more completely than the rootin'-tootin', side-saddle sittin', gunslingin' asshole currently residing in our White House. And his sidekick has been the Democratic Party. Together they've gone off to clear the prairie of coyotes and badmen. So, now they've failed! It's time to blame each other! It's like Cheney has blamed his dog for shooting that guy in the face.

In the elections, we can choose to take sides with the Ya-hoo on the palomino or the Ya-hoo who shares his tent at night. Because, after all, if we ain't on the side of the good guys, we must be on the side of the coyotes. And no matter how ridiculous the good guys have become, the debate is never over "what could we do better?" or "what could we do different?" It's still about "us" and "them"-- only.

Shouldn't there be a third side? You know, like the RIGHT! side? It just doesn't seem to me that either political party is the right side, or that either of them deserves our votes. And I sure as hell don't want to go with the coyotes.

I keep getting requests from the Democrats for contributions. All of the various left/progressive candidates and Democratic campaign committees have decided I'm a sympathizer. They couldn't be more wrong.

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