Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I invite our readers to comment on this headline from the New York Times:

"Bush Argues Democrats Don’t Understand Threat to U.S."


Anonymous said...

I would feel much better if the POTUS could actually articulate that HE truly understands the threat to the U.S.


scot s w said...

Amen, Marty.

I would argue that this POTUS is living in a dream world, and doesn't know a fact from a hope.

IF "the Democrats" actually do share a single idea about the threat to the U.S., I'd be greatly surprised. I think we all have our own interpretations. But if any of us are wrong, I think it's fair to say that is due in large part to the fact that we aren't getting credible information from our governemnt.

They think every damned threat in the world is "terrorism," and talk about the "terrorists" in Iraq who are trying to thwart us. What idiots. The problem in Iraq is good ol' factional violence at this point, and our boys are caught in the middle. It's not really different from Sri Lanka or East Timor or whatever, except that the scale is larger, it's in the dead center of the Middle East, and we have troops there.

Get out, I say. Get Osama.

Sarah said...

I heard a speech on Saturday by a just-retired Canadian Major General who spoke very candidly about how warfare is changing. He thinks we've seen the last war between two nations and that from now on ideological groups will fight each other. The problem? No modern western military is equipped for this kind of fight. He says that Iraq is a lot more stable than CNN would lead us to believe and that the majority of violence still occuring is factional and happens in a very small area (the Sunni triangle).

The problem with getting out is that we lose any control over what goes on there. That said, there are lots of places in the world where we have no control and we don't seem to give a shit (Darfur). I second the vote for getting out.