Saturday, April 07, 2007

More on the British sailors

I wake up with a jolt to find that I am in the dubious company of a number of right-wingers concerning the bravery -- or lack thereof -- of the British sailors who unsuccessfully defended their nation's honor.

Furthermore, I am criticized by some of my friends, and even by my son, for my comments. If any of you readers can find someone who's not a right winger on my side, please let me know. I need the fortifications they might yield.

I actually didn't think of this as being a partisan political matter. It seemed to me, on first impression, that warriors off a British war ship on a legal mission in legal waters ought to resist being taken captive by anyone. Just seems to me. And then they shouldn't fall all over themselves to look obliging to their captors.

The ass-covering news conference those gentlemen held didn't seem to add any glory to an already sketchy performance, IYAM.

See Marsha comment to our earlier posting: CLICK

See "The Mandarin" who is a blogger I respect though I do not know him: CLICK


Jim Thill said...

Are you sure you're not a right-winger?

Anonymous said...

Like I said in the other section, why doesn't someone just confirm, in the press, the location of the boat by GPS ??
Certainly the Britsh Navy must have this common equipment by now. Leads me to believe they were in Iranian waters for sure.