Sunday, January 28, 2007



Once there was a little boy who babbled way too much

He talked of war and politics and civil rights and such.

He told his secrets all around and on the internet.

And nasty folks was listenin' and taking notes, you bet!

And when he sent an email to his bestest chicks,

They listened in the govamint and copied all his clicks.

And when he said some nasties about the President,

They tapped his phones and planted bugs in his heating vent.

So when he went to bed at night away-y-y up stairs,

They knew what he was thinkin' and if he said his prayers.

Well, his mammy heard him holler and his daddy heard him bawl,

and when they turned the covers down, he wasn't there at all!

They sought him in the attic and in the basement, too.

But all they ever found of him was just his pants and shoe.

So before you open up your mouth and speak your mind about,

Remember! that the goblins will getcha if ya don't watch out!

[Modern Mama Gooser]

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