Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Cheery thought

Here's one last cheery thought before we all head off to bed.

The Independent reports that British scientists say that one third of the planet will be desert by the year 2100. Kids born today will live to see that happen.


Good night.


Anonymous said...

Ya, and the bastards want to steal Michigans lakes and move it to the deserts already. Then we can be a desert. They are all bastards.

Anonymous said...

How much of the Earth is desert, or near-desert now?

That question asked, an increase in drought frequency and duration, even if average rainfall and temperature don't change much, in some of our productive farmland could be catastrophic for our food supply.

OTOH, even without this climate change stuff, the peak oil phenomenon is likely to impact the food supply sooner. As it stands now, the world's population is such that we can't produce an adequate amount of food on our farmland without massive fossil fuel imports.

Anonymous said...

I meant to say 'inputs', but 'imports' works, too.