Sunday, October 29, 2006


a. Now that Fidel Castro has turned up irrefutably alive, do you suppose there's hope for Elvis Presley or Natalee Holloway?

b. The government is now investigating a link between Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and a company manufacturing American electronic voting machines. Does this mean that we're afraid the Venezuelans are going to fiddle with our elections like the Bush government did with theirs?

c. Mr. Bush says that critics have "no plans" for victory in Iraq. Just wondering if this means the Mission isn't Accomplished after all? Should we still be rubbing his cute little nose in this statement? (Reminds some of us in the Arboretum of the Nixon campaign riff: "Those who've had 5 years to end the War in Vietnam should not have any more time to try.")

d. F.B.I statistics indicate an increase in crime. Luckily, this has not been reflected in an increase in the "Missing Cute White Chick" phenomenon that was once so rampant in this country --- or at least on CNN. Have our cute chicks given up disappearing?

(Bud Woods)

NOTE: If you have a question mark, send it to us by e-mail. If we use it, we'll give you credit.

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