Thursday, October 05, 2006

WACK-O OF THE WEEK ...(Updated)

Which of these deserves to be this week's Wacko-of-the-Week?
(Cast a vote or leave an opinion under "comments")

1. Mark Foley? 2. Albert Haynesworth? 3. Charles Carl Roberts IV?

FOOTNOTE; Incidentally, one of last weeks WACKO nominees, James Inhofe, walked away from a plane he crashed on Oct 6. He denies the existence of global warming. God looks out for children and fools, so it is said."


Felix J said...

I vote Albert Haynesworth. Partly because what he did was so unbelievable...and, partly because I'm not 100% sure who the other two guys are.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the guy who shot the kids. At least he had the sense to wipe himself out too.