Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Real Scandal

So much to say, but I guess I've got to start somewhere...

While the world seems obsessed with the easy-to-digest "scandal" of a pederast in Congress hitting on Congressional page boys, I'm rather obsessed by that other big scandal in Washington, the Bush Administration. Of course, I'm happy that this tempest further exposes the craven hypocrisy of the GOP leadership and their depraved thirst for power.

Whatever that creep Foley of Florida may have done (follow the story here), it pales in comparison to the tens of thousands who have died in that folloy known as Iraq. So, let's keep these things in perspective. The Rep. Foley scandal is a Jerry-Springer type story, while Iraq is a much tougher nut. The wrongs done with regard to Iraq are of the cold, bureaucratic type, where bad decisions are made by people behind desks who are then driven home to watch golf -- and then people die, in large numbers. And since it's a war that has unfolded in plain sight, analyzing the Iraq mess asks us all to examine our own complicity or lack of action. Yes, there have been many secrets and lies, but the general picture on Iraq has never been hard to discern.

And the Foley firestorm is drowning out a series of astonishing revelations over the weekend which should not only be front-page news, but should spark massive street protests in a healthy democracy. The news, which should sicken and anger all of us, is that top Bush cabinet members were briefed in mid-2001 about the CIA's high state of alarm about bin Laden and al Qaeda. Condi Rice was described as giving Tenet a polite brush-off then. And apparently Rumsfeld and Ashcroft both received similar briefings within a week of Rice. And the 9/11 commission was not told about that meeting by anyone involved in it or who knew about it -- which defies the possibiility of an honest omission. The most charitable reading possible of the situation is that Rice mistakenly thought the July 10 briefing was just a summary of recent activity, and not in itself an urgent new warning. That requires us to believe that our Secretary of State and former National Security Advisor is a dimwit.

How did we get here? Part of the answer can be found at the Washington Post, which has published excerpts of Bob Woodward's "State of Denial." If you can't find time to read the whole book, I do suggest you head over to WashingtonPost.com and read the excerpts.

And talk to your friends.

And contribute to Democrats for this November's election.

And vote.


Bud said...

I agree with you, Scot, that thew Foley thing is basically a diversion from what really matters. It's the war .... it's the Bush attack on democracy. Where is our perspective?

Sarah said...

Remember, though, that Foley is a Republican. It may be revolting that we as a nation prefer the Jerry Springer-esque to the hard news (Iraq), but this scandal will likely benefit Democrats, especially as it's exposed that multiple high-ranking Republicans (Hastert) knew what Foley was up to and could've done something about it.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed watching how Foley's dalliances have been somehow turned into a gay issue by some right wingers. I heard one yesterday saying that Foley should have been marginalized by Republican leadership years ago because he's a known homosexual. And, he went on, all homosexuals are preoccupied with sex (he cited a large number of unnamed psychologists and social workers who "have to deal with these people"). With this obvious sex-obsessed homosexual serving in Congress, of all places, how could we expect anything other than what he is accused of having done? Frankly, given his homosexuality and inherent sex-preoccupation, I'm surprised that Foley wasn't "outed" sooner as he humped every leg and lamp-post he encountered in his strolls around our capital city. Those homos aren't like us - they're preoccupied with sex. It's sick, that's what it is.

I have recently discovered something disturbing. The internet is chock full of pornography, most of it of a heterosexual nature. As if making gay porn isn't bad enough, now the homos are inundating us with straight porn, too, obviously in an attempt to pervert God-fearing straight people. This internet porn industry must rake in billions of ill-gotten dollars. Will these homosexuals, not to mention Democrats, ever let us live our morally pure lives without cramming this stuff down our throats?

Bud said...

Jim: I think you're right. Every time I turn around, it seems, someone wants to sellk me a sexy Russian bride or introduce me to "nasty" teen girls. Untiol now, I never iumnagined this was just a smokescreen for the "gay agenda."

However, I have never seen any of them humping light posts as you suggest. But then, it's been years since I went tlo Washington.

To me, the sin of Foley is not what he does to get his jollies, although there is no excuse for harrassing anyone, especially minors. It's the sheer hypocrisy of certain morally superior people who wish to campaign against things they themselves indulge in.